Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!


It is the VETERAN, not the preacher,
who has given us freedom of religion.

It is the VETERAN, not the reporter,
has given us freedom of the press.

It is the VETERAN, not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the VETERAN, not the campus organizer,
who has given us freedom to assemble.

It is the VETERAN, not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the VETERAN, not the politician,
Who has given us the right to vote.

It is the VETERAN ,
who salutes the Flag, who serves under the Flag, and whose coffin is draped by the Flag.

-Author Unknown

It's not about the pool parties, the barbecue, or the beers...please take time to remember those who have served and made the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you to all those who have served!

Friday, February 26, 2010

What a pain!

My hubby just got back from deployment a couple weeks ago and just like many wives, I was super anxious to get my hands on that deployment money! Our washer and dryer have been on their last leg for the past 6 months, so hubby said that I could purchase my coveted front loading washer and dryer. WHOOHOO!!!! Awesome, right?! Not so much...

This morning we went to the BX to purchase a Whirlpool set that they advertised in their sales flyer this week. We were told they didn't have any in the store, but they could get us one and have it delivered to the house by the end of next week. Great! 4 hours later, the manager calls to inform us that the washer and dryer is no longer available through the BX and Whirlpool has stopped making that specific washer and dryer. WTF?! How can they sell us something, tell us that it will be delivered to our house next week, but then tell us a few hours later that they can't?! The sale just started today and we went in an hour after the store opened! I am so upset especially because it was such a good deal: $1200 for both and it included delivery!

The worst part of the day? The manager had the nerve to try to sell us a more expensive set!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

When insomnia hits=Make bows!

We had a pretty loud storm come through Northern California last night. Most people I know, LOVE storms and the rain because it lulls me to sleep. I, on the other hand, HATE rain storms because I can not sleep to save my life! So I pulled out my box of ribbon, and here's what I came up with last night.

Now only if I could do more productive things, such as organizing when I can't sleep....

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Out with the old and in with the new

I began this blog with the intent of posting frequently and blogging on a weekly basis. I figured it wouldn't be too hard since I'm on my computer all the time anyways. It's a lot harder than I thought! Life gets in the way, and once again I can't finish what I start. But it's a new year and it's time for out with the old and in with the new. I am a notorious procrastinator, but this year I plan to change that.

I hit the ground running when school ended in December. I got a couple projects done that I had been putting off forever. Yay, Me!

These are the DVD towers that I salvaged from the hideous entertainment center we had a few years ago. My husband wanted to throw them away, but I just knew that I would do something (eventually!) with them. I don't have a picture of the old center, but believe me when I say it was hideous!

I sprayed them with Krylon Latex Spray Paint to match the valance that I sewed for his window. The paint has been AWESOME with not peeling from my son's constant use! So I turned these into this:

The empty space next to the tower is for the other tower which is done completely done drying yet. But I couldn't wait to show off my hard work. And as you can see, my son's room is done in Curious George. Do you know how hard it is to find Curious George things nowadays?? It is why I was forced to sew the valance. I still have a few other projects for his room that I need to finish during break and I'll post them as soon as I can.

I'll be linking my first blogged project to...


Shanty 2 Chic

Post image for DIY Day!