Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Frosty Returns!

During the school year, my kids eat breakfast and lunch at school (or daycare in my daughter's case). Because of this, I try to make these meals extra special on "home days". Well, I had plenty of home days during the 2 weeks they were both home during Christmas Break (or winter holiday if you prefer....) I'll be posting a few of the fun things we had during the break. I know it's late, but remember my goal for 2011 was to blog more so I'm also posting the things I had planned to!
I saw this snowman on A Pocket Full of Buttons and immediately bookmarked it! Isn't he the cutest snowman ever?! The kids loved him so much he came back to visit 3 mornings in a row!

I used an M&M for a nose, mini chocolate chips for his eyes, smile, and buttons, a bacon scarf and a little bit of homemade strawberry jam for hair.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Thanks for visiting and for the link back. Love how you used m&m's for the nose! It's great to meet you ;)
